It's been a long time since i wrote a post.
But i wasn't in a very good mood lately.
For many reasons.
I wanted to write something happy for my next post.
And this happy event happened yesterday.
I became a godmother for the second time.
His name is Nikitas.
It wasn't the baptism of the twins.
This will be my third godchild and it's going to happen a little later.
The Baptism for the Greek Orthodox Church is a great Sacrament.
And for my family is a great blessing.
A godparent has to guide the child to the good of Jesus and into the family of the Church.
All the things that we do during the Baptism have their meaning and symbolism.
The olive oil (a symbol of healing and olive is the holy tree), the white garment (a symbol of purity), the candles and the taper ( a symbol of light in the new Christian's life), the triple immersion in the name of the Holy Trinity (like Jesus who rased from the water of Iordanis river), the cross which the priest places around the child's neck while repeating the words of Christ: "He who wishes to follow me, let him pick up his cross and follow me" and many many more symbolic things.
I bought very beautiful things for my godchild.

I decorated the church with flowers.

That's the little church we had the baptism.

And these are the presents that Nikita's parents gave to those who came to the baptism.

After the baptism, we celebrated to a Greek tavern with a lot of wine, food and music.

Happy moments full of love and blessing.
to see other places of our world.