We stayed in a traditional motel, the Duval Gardens.

We visit Hemingway's house.

The Lighthouse and the museum.
And many many more sights.
An unforgettable trip.
We stayed in a traditional motel, the Duval Gardens.
We visit Hemingway's house.
The Lighthouse and the museum.
And many many more sights.
An unforgettable trip.
This photo is from Magic Kingdom, W.D. World, Orlando, Florida, USA.
For more photos, visit SkyWatch: http://skyley.blogspot.com/
Visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com
for more flowers.
After a month, we went to St.Augustine for a two days trip.
It is one of the best places I have ever visited.
We learned the story of the first Spanish who reached Florida and how they lived there.
And the battles the Indians gave for their survival.
They both are very nice places to visit and learn.
The rules accompanying this award are:
1. Put the logo on your blog;
2. Add a link to the person who has awarded you;
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;
4. Add links to those blogs on yours and.....
5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Although i'm a new blogger, i have some favorite blogs.
These are the seven blogs I think deserve an award and the reasons of my choices:
Photowannabe at: http://allredmop.blogspot.com/
(she loves photography like i do)
Leslie at: http://leslievancan.blogspot.com/
(i like her blog and she has a sweet, warm face)
Louise at: http://pottedfrog.wordpress.com/
(I think we have the same age and interestings)
Bobbie at: http://therightblue.com/
(We both adore sea)
Mrsnesbitt at: http://mrsnesbittsplace.blogspot.com/
(I love art, too)
Catherine at: http://catherinefiveofus.blogspot.com/
(she has three kids, too)
Kim from Hiraeth at: http://hiraeth.squarespace.com/
(we have the same interesting about religion)
There are other blogs, too that they deserve an award like reader wil's and Dherrod's.
Please visit them.