Τρίτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2009


I've been tagged by Marina from http://marinaslifefamily.blogspot.com/ and

so here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write 6 (or more) random things about yourself.

4. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and link to them.

5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.

6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

You have to write something about yourself, something most people don’t know about you.
Advantage or disadvantage. Good or bad.
It's up to you.

These are the 7 things about myself:
1. I can't hide my feelings. My heart is an open book.
2. I like driving.
3. I want to help people and i like to feel that someone need my help.
4. Sometimes i can't control myself and say things that i regret.
5. I'm strict with my kids because i like perfection, but noone is perfect.
6. I love God and ask for his help and guidance a lot.
7. I take photos all the time.

The 5 persons i want to tag are:

4. Your EG Tour Guide from http://eastgwillimburywow.blogspot.com/

5. Leena from http://leejattas.aminus3.com/

Thank you all.

9 σχόλια:

Reader Wil είπε...

You are spontaneous, kind, helpful and religious. In one word a really lovely, south European girl! Everybody wants to be your friend!

George είπε...

I'm glad you were tagged. It's good to learn more about you.

Maria Verivaki είπε...

thanks for sharing these things about yourself, now i feel i know you better!

Ανώνυμος είπε...

It was fun learning new things about you today. You like to drive....I don't. If I had the money I would hire a chauffeur. :) Hope you are having a great day. ~ Lynn

Catherine είπε...

Now I have to find 5 different things to write about me. Because I'm like you concerning 4 points : I'm an open book. I like to help people. I have my camera at hand, always.I say things I regret too.
I'll do it, maybe on Thursday.
Bonsoir, Antigoni.

sribbler είπε...

"My heart is an open book".. i like this personality..

EG CameraGirl είπε...

Thank you for telling us a little about you. I agree with Reader Wil that everyone wants to be your friend. :-)

OK, Antigoni, my post is up too.

Ανώνυμος είπε...

Finally I have written some things as an answer of your tagging :)


Oman είπε...

thare nice things about you. thank you for sharing.